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#203 : Thorngate

Résumé : Un membre du Gouvernement révèle à Olivia Pope et Associés un outil qu'utilise le Gouvernement pour espionner les américains.

Le Président Grant apprend qu'Olivia fréquente son ancien amant et lui fait une véritable crise de jalousie. Mellie impose un ultimatum à Fitz.

David Rosen enquête sur les raisons qui ont permis que Quinn soit acquittée, et soupçonne Olivia d'avoir instrumentalisé la Justice.


4.78 - 9 votes

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Hunting Season

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Extrait 1 - Olivia et Fitz

Extrait 1 - Olivia et Fitz


Photos promo

Olivia Pope (Kerry Washington)

Olivia Pope (Kerry Washington)

Olivia Pope (Kerry Washington)

Olivia Pope (Kerry Washington)

Arthur 'Artie' Hornbacher (Patrick Fischler) et Huck

Arthur 'Artie' Hornbacher (Patrick Fischler) et Huck

Huck écoute ce qui se passe

Huck écoute ce qui se passe

Olivia Pope (Kerry Washington)

Olivia Pope (Kerry Washington)

Olivia Pope (Kerry Washington)

Olivia Pope (Kerry Washington)

Fitzgerald Grant (Tony Goldwyn)

Fitzgerald Grant (Tony Goldwyn)

Harrison Wright (Colombus Short)

Harrison Wright (Colombus Short)

Olivia Pope, Huck et Arthur 'Artie' Hornbacher (Patrick Fischler)

Olivia Pope, Huck et Arthur 'Artie' Hornbacher (Patrick Fischler)

Olivia Pope (Kerry Washington)

Olivia Pope (Kerry Washington)

Harrison Wright (Colombus Short)

Harrison Wright (Colombus Short)

Harrison Wright (Colombus Short) et Arthur 'Artie' Hornbacher (Patrick Fischler)

Harrison Wright (Colombus Short) et Arthur 'Artie' Hornbacher (Patrick Fischler)


Logo de la chaîne M6

France (inédit)
Mardi 15.07.2014 à 22:30
1.80m / 12.1% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne ABC

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Jeudi 18.10.2012 à 22:00
6.17m / 1.9% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Réalisateur : Ron Underwood - Scénariste : Matt Byrne

Guest stars : Gregg Henry (Hollis Doyle), Brenda Song (Alissa), Wendy Davis (Kimberly Mitchell), Norm Lewis (Senateur Edison Davis), Brian Letscher (Tom), Stoney Westmoreland (Hal), Steven W. Bailey (Noah Elliot), Patrick Fischler (Arthur 'Artie' Hornbacher), Ann Cusack (Corinne Stark)


Alissa découvre l'enquête de David sur Quinn et OliviaAlissa frappe à la porte de David Rosen, qui l’accueille en caleçon, pas rasé depuis plusieurs jours. Lorsqu’elle voit le mur de David, couvert de photos de Quinn et d’Olivia, elle accepte de l’écouter, à la seule condition qu’il se rase et prenne une douche.

David pense qu’ils se sont trompés depuis le départ. Olivia est une acharnée de travail, et elle ne défend que les gens auxquels elle croit. Ce n’est que dans ces cas-là qu’elle remue ciel et terre. Il leur faudrait donc admettre que Quinn n’ait donc tué personne. Mais alors, qui a placé la bombe chez Cytron, cette société spécialisée dans les casinos et les sites de paris à l'étranger appartenant sans doute à la pègre ?



- Quinn

Quinn riposte aux attaques continues d'AbbyLe retour de Quinn au bureau se passe plus ou moins sans accroc. Si Harrison l’accueille chaleureusement, on ne peut pas en dire autant d’Abby, qui s’évertue tout au long de l’épisode à l’appeler Lindsay, qu’elle considère comme une menteuse psychopathe.

Lorsque Quinn, Harrison et Abby finissent par se retrouver boire un verre, Abby persiste, mais finalement, Quinn lui répond qu’elle en a assez, qu’elle ne répondra qu’à un seul prénom, et que ce ne sera pas Lindsay. Enfin, elle n’a tué personne. Abby en reste sans voix.

Lorsque David vient lui offrir un verre, elle le rejoint dans son combat, et finit même par coucher avec lui.

- Thorngate

Dans son appartement, Olivia regarde l’émission de Kimberly Mitchell où le Sénateur Edison Davis débat sur l’Est Soudan. A la fin du débat, Olivia appelle le Sénateur pour lui donner un petit conseil vestimentaire. La conversation tourne au flirt.

Un peu plus tard, Olivia, qui se rendait à sa voiture, se sent menacée par un individu. Elle réussit à s’enfuir, mais s’arrête net lorsqu’elle entend parler d’une conspiration gouvernementale, et surtout qu’ils ont connaissance des appels nocturnes de l’aile Ouest.

tHORNGATEIl s’agit d’Artie Hornbacher, un spécialiste de la NSA. Il a volé un programme qui espionne les citoyens américains : Thorngate. Olivia ne le croit pas tellement au départ. Elle demande toutefois à son équipe d’enquêter sur lui, juste pour être sûre.

Elle-même se rend à la NSA et rencontre sa Directrice, Corrine. Elle l’interroge sur Thorngate et Artie, mais la Directrice fait semblant de ne connaître ni le projet, ni l’analyste. Se rendant compte que son interlocutrice lui ment, elle appelle Huck pour qu’il place Artie en sécurité.

Les possibilités infinies de ThorngateA l’entrepôt, Artie panique, car il pense que l’endroit est truffé de failles. Huck parvient à pénétrer dans le logiciel Thorngate, et intercepte une discussion de Cyrus Beene, à quelques mètres seulement du Bureau Ovale : ils ont la vidéo et le son, et on le voit discuter avec Hollis Doyle. Pour réaccéder à Thorngate, et donc prouver l’existence du logiciel, Huck devra hacker la NSA, mais cela prendra plus de trois semaines.

Monica Ocampo, retrouvée morteIl y a un autre moyen de prouver l’existence de Thorngate : Monica Ocampo, qui faisait partie de l’équipe de développement du logiciel espion, pourrait témoigner, mais il ne veut pas la mettre en danger. Olivia envoie Harrison et Abby la chercher. Ils la retrouvent morte à son appartement : elle s’est visiblement suicidée par overdose de médicaments. Cependant, les deux associés sentent le coup monté, d’autant qu’ils aperçoivent une berline noire au pied de l’immeuble.

Olivia interroge le Sénateur Davis sur ThorngateOlivia va voir la Commission du Renseignement, et notamment le Sénateur Edison Davis. Lorsqu’elle l’interroge sur Thorngate, il évite de répondre et lui propose plutôt de sortir avec lui. Olivia n’est pas dupe et lui demande s’il l’appuierait si elle divulguait cette information. Tout ce qu’il peut lui conseiller, c’est de ne pas se frotter à la NSA. On voit à cette occasion que les deux ont vraisemblablement partagé une histoire.

Olivia convoque une chaine américaine et Kimberly MitchellOlivia décide de passer à l’étape suivante. Elle convoque un network et présente l’affaire aux deux journalistes, dont Kimberly Mitchell, off-record. Ceux-ci semblent d’accord dans un premier temps, mais la chaîne reçoit une injonction les assignant au silence sur cette affaire. Olivia parvient à les convaincre de passer outre, en montrant toute la puissance du logiciel espion. On voit ainsi le domicile du patron de la chaîne en direct, et sa femme se plaignant de lui au téléphone.

L’autopsie a démontré que Monica était morte par overdose d’insuline, mais la plaque de la berline noire en bas de chez elle est immatriculée au nom de Nous vous surveillerons, pas de la NSA. Olivia comprend qu’Artie les a menés en bateau, mais trop tard : il s’est enfui de l’entrepôt. En réalité, il s’est servi d’Olivia et des associés pour décrypter Thorngate, et il a tué Monica pour donner de la consistance à son histoire.

La Directrice de la NSA vient menacer OliviaBientôt, Corinne, la Directrice de la NSA, surgit dans les bureaux d’Olivia pour arrêter Artie. Olivia joue les innocentes, prétendant à son tour ne pas savoir de qui elle parle. Corrine lui donne 12h pour livrer Artie à la NSA, non sans l’égratigner un petit peu.

Edison Davis entre dans le bureau d’Olivia :le Président Grant l’a viré de la Commission de surveillance, et il est sous investigation du Comité d’Ethique. Il s’assure auparavant qu’elle n’a plus aucun lien à la Maison Blanche. Olivia confirme que non.

Olivia rejoint sa voiture et y trouve Huck. Elle s’inquiète vraiment pour lui, et notamment la manière dont il s’est occupé Artie. Huck lui demande de ne pas s’en faire. Il gère.



- Thorngate

Fitz et CyrusCyrus informe le Président Grant que Thorngate a été volé à la NSA. Fitz est assez préoccupé, voire même contrarié lorsqu’il apprend que c’est Olivia qui s’occupe d’Artie. Il lui montre notamment une photo d’elle et Edison, et lui rappelle leur passé commun. Fitz s’assombrit et Cyrus voit en lui une bombe à retardement, car il sait que jusqu’ici, Fitz ne faisait que prétendre être heureux, et qu’il souffre du silence d’Olivia. Fitz coupe court à leur conversation.

Fitz et OliviaHal et Tom, les gardes du corps de Fitz, débarquent à l’appartement d’Olivia, et la livrent littéralement à Fitz, dans les bois où a lieu la partie de chasse. Fitz doit lui mettre des chaussures appropriées. Aucun ne parle. La tension est plus que palpable. Lorsqu’ils commencent à parler, chacun y va de ses griefs. Fitz commence en lui parlant de Thorngate, de son rendez-vous avec Edison, son ex. Il l’accuse de trahir la Nation et d’affoler les services secrets. Elle lui rappelle qu’espionner, c’est anticonstitutionnel. Lorsque ce duel s’arrête, ils s’embrassent passionnément. Ils ne se sont pas revus depuis l’affaire Tanner.

Fitz apprend qu'il était aussi victime de ThorngateLorsque Fitz revient au bureau, il donne ses ordres à Cyrus : il veut voir le Sénateur Davis viré de la Commission. Surtout, il demande comment Cyrus pouvait savoir qu’Olivia ne prenait plus ses appels. Au silence de Cy, Fitz comprend amèrement que Thorngate fonctionne bien.


- Le couple Grant

Mellie, radieuse de voir Fitz heureuxFitz passe voir Mellie, qui est toute heureuse d’avoir reçu des layettes de la Reine d’Angleterre. Fitz, lui, n’a pas cette chance : il doit se rendre à une partie de chasse organisée par la NRA. Mellie note le changement dans son couple, et lui explique à quel point elle est heureuse qu’ils se soient retrouvés.

Après sa partie de chasse, Mellie constate un changement d’humeur chez son mari. Elle finit par comprendre qu’il a revu Olivia, et accuse stoïquement le coup.

Mellie ne supporte plus que Fitz pense toujours à Olivia

Un peu plus tard, Fitz reçoit la visite de Mellie, qui le menace clairement : s’il ne parvient pas à surmonter son passé avec Olivia, elle lui ôtera toute chance d’être réélu. C’est une excellente tireuse, bien meilleure que Fitz.



In Kimberly Mitchell's show

Edison : Red button.

Kimberly : Oh, come on, Senator. He was nowhere near to pushing that...

Edison : He was nowhere near to pushing that Our President was about to push that big, red, scary-as-hell button and take us to war in east Sudan on faulty, irresponsible intelligence.

Kimberly : Which he quickly realized And took the appropriate steps…

Edison : By firing the C director that he himself appointed five minutes ago. What does it say for the people that he surrounds himself with? This President's more in bed with special interests than the last three commanders in chief combined.

Kimberly : Here we go. Same old democrat partisan…

Edison : Just look at the white house logs, senator. They read like a who's who of big pharma, insurance companies, oil tycoons like Hollis Doyle are running around like they own the place. Now I think the American people deserve to know what is a man like that doing with nearly unlimited access to the west wing?

Kimberly : And you'll get to respond to that in a moment, senator Gilbert, after we take this short break.

Edison : Let me guesssome third cousin died, then you went - out of the country.


Olivia talking to Edison Davis over the phone about his wardrobe.

Olivia: You're wearing pinstripes!

Edison: Yeah, see that doesn't explain the three years of not returning my calls.

Olivia: Pinstripes on primetime?

Edison: Oh. You joined the fashion police, that's where you've been

Olivia: I don't care what you wear, just know no one will hear a word you are saying when your suit is moving vibrating moving across their screen; also you're sighing every time Senator Gilbert speaks. DON'T! It makes you seem condescending and elitist which frankly doesn't exactly matter because I'm way too distracted by the...

Edison: Pinstripes. Yeah! So... am I in? Am I finally a client of Olivia Pope & Associates?

Olivia: (chuckles)

Edison: You agree I'm obviously in need of your expertise.

Olivia: Good luck Senator.

Edison: You take care Liv!

She hangs up and gets into his car and feels a presence


Olivia : I don't have cash on me. I don't carry debit cards. If you're hoping for a ransom, I don't have many friends.

And if you're planning on anything else, you should know that there are security cameras trained on every inch of this garage, and the police, who I am dialing right now, will identify you within minutes.

Artie : There aren't any cameras, Ms. Pope. In fact, this is the only part of the building without cameras. That's why I'm here. That's why I had I-I'm sorry, okay? I-I didn't mean to follow you or freak you out. It's just They're following me, and they're freaking me out, and I-I didn't know where else to go, and I know that you fix things and you solve problems, and I got some problems, Ms. Pope Some really, really big problems.

Olivia : You need to get out of my car now!

Artie : Okay, I'm sorry. My bad. They'll they'll They'll kill me, Ms.Pope. You you let me explain. You have to. They're following you, too! The government Th-they know everything. They know all about the late-night phone calls from the west wing !

Olivia suddenly stops.


At the White House, Mellie folds baby clothes. Fitz arrives

Mellie : I forgot how tiny and cute they are –  the baby clothes.

Fitz : Yeah. Feeling okay?

Mellie : Fine. Great Actually.

Fitz : Because if you’re not sure?

Mellie : You can’t cancel the hunt.

Fitz : I could if you are ill. My pregnant wife not feeling well.

Mellie : Never felt better. Marty loves when you hunt.

Fitz : Every year I have to spend a day squatting in some weeds.

Mellie : A Mash.

Fitz : Killing some helpless chicken. -

Mellie : Ducks.

Fitz : For some gun crazed-

Mellie : The good people in the NRA.

Fitz : For some Nut job carrying a cushioned assault rifle embellished in his back of his truck.

Mellie : Citizen. Exercising the rights afforded to him by the United States constitution.

Fitz : You should go shoot the ducks.

Mellie : I should. I’m a excellent sharp.

Fitz : You have an enormous staff. I’m sure if you asked someone could fold these for you.

Mellie : It’s a 32 piece antique hand embroidery layette with a personal note enclosed written by her Majesty Queen Elizabeth.

Fitz : Whoa.

Mellie : Whoa. I’m folding those baby clothes.

Fitz : Definitely folding those baby clothes.

(Mellie laughs)

Fitz : What?

Mellie : Nothing. It's just This is nice.

Fitz : Yeah.


In Olivia Pope & Associates, Quinn awaits with cafes hand to lift.

Quinn : Um Oh, a double capp?

Harrison : Welcome back.

Quinn : And a half-caf, no foam, one pump vanilla, extra hot soy latte.

Abby : That's two pumps of vanilla, Lindsay.

Harrison : She'll grow up and get over it eventually. Just ride it out.

Artie : They love to use what's already in the room Moldings, picture frames, light fixtures, but now with this new program, they don't need bugs, 'cause we are the bugs Our laptops, smartphones, cell phones Cell phones off. Everybody, turn off your cell phones! They can track the signals. Why are you all just standing there?

Harrison : What in the hell?

Abby : We eat on that table, Liv.

Olivia : This is Artie Hornbacher. Four hours ago, Artie stole this from the N.S.A.

Huck : You stole from the national security agency?

Harrison : I'm not in this.

Olivia : You're in this.

Huck : What is it?

Artie : It's called Thorngate. It's everything. Everything. It blows "we the people" to pieces. It removes the stars and the stripes on the flag.

Olivia : Artie.

Artie : Sorry.

Olivia : He says he's got evidence the N.S.A's spying on American citizens.

Huck : What, like spying spying, like spying on American citizens, here at home? That is everything.

Artie : I told you.

Olivia : Check him out.

Abby : Arthur "Artie" Hornbacher Low-level N.S.A. Data entry specialist. Kept the same job, same salary, for 16 years, which is either admirable or pathetic, depending on your definition of success.

Harrison : Easy menial job which allows him time to follow his true passion as an online crusader.

Abby : Against what?

Harrison : Every coffee chain in America. According to Artie, the decaffeination process is a lie, and a coordinated government/corporate deception. (He whistles)

Artie : I was doing data entry, same thing I always do, grouping batches by source and entry point Riyadh, Tel Aviv, Cairo, Milan But then this one batch Suddenly, it's Columbus, Philly, Portland. The addresses? They're they're all domestic. Do you know what that means? Big brother. The eye in the sky. Millions of Americans are being watched right now, and they have no idea.

Olivia : You told your supervisors about this?

Artie : Of course I did, repeatedly, and they said they'd look into it, and then suddenly, I'm being followed. So I took it, okay? I took proof of Thorngate. - Maybe it was a mistake, but…

Huck : Maybe?


Artie : But I did it, so now you have to hide me, because these people They won't just kill me. They'll make it look like I never existed.

Abby : He's also lactose-intolerant, allergic to grass, honey, strawberries, peanuts, is a type 1 diabetic, and believes that vaccines are demonic.

Olivia : It's just a report on border security.

Artie : It's just the firewall. The N.S.A protected this program with everything in their arsenal, in case it ever got stolen, like right now.

Abby : Seriously, Liv, he's certifiable. We can't take this guy on as a client.

Quinn : Just 'cause he's weird doesn't mean he's crazy.

Abby : He thinks the N.S.A's trying to kill him.

Quinn : My story didn't make any sense at first.

Abby : Still doesn't.

Quinn : Everyone thought that I was crazy, too.

Abby : Still do.

Olivia : Might be time to poke the hive.



In N.S.A :

Corrine : I know you by reputation. I'm happy to be able to put a face to a name.

Olivia : Thanks for seeing me on short notice.

Corrine : Of course. Um, what can I help you with?

Olivia : Just a few questions about Thorngate.

Corrine : Thorngate?

Olivia : Thorngate.

Corrine : I'm sorry. Am I supposed to know what Thorngate is ?

Olivia : I just learned about it myself from Artie Hornbacher.

Corrine : Again, you've stumped me. I feel like I'm failing a test here. Who is Artie Hornbacher?

Olivia : Just one of your low-level employees. Complained to his bosses, claiming your agency is using a program called Thorngate to spy on Americans. Ring a bell?

Corrine : Wow. That would be something, wouldn't it? Um, I'm not familiar with this employee or this program, but I can assure you that we take these accusations very seriously, and we encourage our employees, from data entry all the way to the top, to speak freely if they witness any abuse or wrongdoings by their colleagues here at the N.S.A. You know, let me check with our oversight board and see if they've heard anything.

Olivia : Thanks, but I don't think it's necessary. There's a 99% chance Artie was a nut job, and you just gave me my last 1%. Sorry to bother.

Corrine : No bother at all.

Olivia : Thanks, Corinne. Very nice to meet you.

Corrine : Oh, my pleasure.


Outside :

Olivia : Get him out.

Quinn : It's Olivia. She says to get him out.

Abby : Let me talk to her.

Olivia : Where are we supposed to This isn't a question, Abby. It's an order. They knew he was data entry. She didn't react. She didn't even blink when I told her…

Abby : I'm just asking whether…

Olivia : They know where he is! They'll kill him. Tell Huck to get our client to safety right now !



House of David :

David : Alissa, what are you doing?

Alissa : You are coming back to work, because if I have to fetch Jane Powell another Chinese chicken salad with no crunchies, no chicken, and dressing on the side, I am going to scream.

David : You miss me.

Alissa : I miss your lunch order because it's simple and because Jane is a horrible human being, who may, in fact, be the pinnacle of everything that's wrong with the American judicial system and who's telling everyone who'll listen that you went totally bonkers, by the way, so keep that in mind when Oh, David.

David : Look, I know it seems like I've gone…

Alissa :  All "beautiful mind"? David.

David : I can't go back till I figure it out How I lost this trial and how Olivia Pope made it happen.

Alissa : You can walk me through it, once, if you shave and put on pants.

David : Okay, so hear me out…

Alissa : Pants.



The safe house :

Artie : This is the least safe safe house I've ever heard of. Windows?

Huck : I've got a scrambler jamming every frequency. There's no way to see inside here.

Artie : Except, of course, using eyesight.

Olivia : Okay, enough.

Huck : It's decrypted.

Olivia : Let's see this thing.

Huck : Holy


Artie : I told you.

Olivia : How does it work?

Huck : Uh, give me a name. Someone you know. Someone hard to crack.

Olivia : Cyrus Rutherford Beene.


The screen shows Cyrus

Quinn : Is that the…

Harisson : White house.

Abby : West wing.

Olivia : 20 feet from the oval office.

Quinn : The chief of staff.

Artie : Nobody's safe.

Olivia : Is there audio?


Cyrus : I know you know how he hates to hunt. He hates it. He only does it to get a chance to spend time with you. Make sure he knows he doesn't have to gum up his boots to know he has my support.

Huck : Let's see who else is there. There's another phone signal I can pull up.

Hollis : Still likes to golf, right? We oughta get him out to Andrews more often.

Olivia : Shut it down.

Hollis : Course it ain't much to speak of, but I'm sure the man could use a…


Olivia : Huck.

Hollis : Long, frustrating walk to ease his mind from time to time.

Olivia : Huck.

Huck : I'm trying.

Olivia : What just happened?


Harrison : Wh-where'd it go?

Huck : It self-destructed. I can't bring it back up.

Artie : Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Come on. Did you try the…

Huck : It's dead. Okay, if we want to see it again, I have to hack into the N.S.A's firewall.

Olivia : How long would that take?

Huck : Um 22 days.


Olivia : Artie, who else knows about this?

Artie : I didn't tell anyone. How could I?

Olivia : Well, then we're done here, Artie. I can't help you.

Artie : Wait. You said you were gonna protect me.

Olivia : How can I? Without Thorngate, you have no leverage, nothing to bargain with. So tell me who else knows.

Artie : Her name's Monica Ocampo. She was on the development team.

Huck : Does she have access?

Artie : Yes, but please, I don't want her to come in any danger. She's a good person.

Olivia : Find her.


They start from

Quinn : Should I help?

Abby : We're good. Thanks, Lindsay.


Outside :

Edison : Bad optics for a senator to be caught loitering. Would you agree?

Olivia : Sorry I'm late.

Edison : Enjoyed having you in my ear last night.

Olivia : Tell me about Thorngate.

Edison : Thorngate?

Olivia : You're on the senate intelligence committee, Edison. Don't play dumb.

Edison : And here I was gonna ask you out. I got two tickets to the national ballet…

Olivia : Thorngate. I need to know if I go public with this, whether you'll back me up, verify its existence.

Edison : Olivia.

Olivia : Our government is spying on Americans.

Edison : Allegedly.

Olivia : And your committee's responsible for oversight.You took an oath to…

Edison : My clearance level is top secret. I took an oath to do the exact opposite of what you're asking me to do.

Olivia : You always did put your career above all.

Edison : Takes one to know one. (She starts to leave but he holds). Liv. I don't know what you're getting yourself into, but you don't want to play games with the N.S.A. Their ball, their bat, their rules.

They look and Olivia leaves.



Outside :

Harrison : I'll take the lead on this one.

Abby : Who made you boss?

Harrison : That tone it's bad-cop tone. It's ineffective. And since we're on the subject, the way you've been badgering that kid, pouncing on her…

Abby : Lindsay Perkins is a lying sociopath.

Harrison : Bad cop.

Abby : You think I can't be good cop? Ha. Oh, I can be good cop. Hell, I can be the sweet cop.



At the White House

Cyrus : Someone stole a little something from the N.S.A. They think they may have themselves a whistle-blower.

Fitz : Concerning what?

Cyrus : Thorngate.

Fitz : Are we on top of this?

Cyrus : There's a problem.

Fitz : There's always a problem.

Cyrus : He's got himself some interesting representation.

Fitz : Are we sure? This doesn't sound like Liv's neighborhood.

Cyrus : She's nosing around senators on the intel committee.



Cyrus shows him a picture of Olivia and Edison.

Fitz : Senator Davis.

Cyrus : Sir, Davis and Olivia.

Fitz : I don't need a history lesson.

Cyrus : Sir.

Fitz : I want this handled. I want the screws tightened on this, Cy, and I want it done yesterday.

Cyrus : You're ticking, sir.

Fitz : What?

Cyrus : You're ticking. You know how I know you're ticking? Up until you saw this picture, you've been happy. Lately, you've been happy. Don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed it, not because of the happiness, but because It's been weird, like seeing a grandma in a bikini or a democrat with a Bible. You're happy, but we both know that happy people are rarely actually happy, unless they're morons. You are a brilliant man, a rhodes scholar, and a PhD, which means you're acting happy, because she won't take your calls, and you won't admit that it bothers you and God knows what else that goes on with the shakespearean drama that is the women in your life. You're ticking, sir. You're a bomb stuffed in a Teddy bear, waiting to explode. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick.

Fitz : Stop it.

Cyrus : How do I defuse the bomb, sir? Hello, sir.



Abby and Harrison arrived with balloons, garlands and cake. They show up at the hotel.

Abby : Good evening.

Receptionist : That remains to be seen, ma'am.

Abby : You are so funny. Monica said he was funny.Didn't she, Howard?

Harrison : Sure did.

Abby : Anyhow, we just need the key.

Receptionist : The key?

Abby : To Monica's. The surprise party?

The receptionist gave him the key

Harrison : All I'm saying, that wasn't good cop. That was some weird, off-her-medications, emotionally unstable cop.

Abby : Face it. I am a good cop, you're a sore loser, and Hello? Monica?

They find dead on his bed

Harrison : You seeing what I'm seeing?

Abby : Sleeping pills, hastily written note Classically staged suicide.

Harrison : No. Outside. Black sedan.

Abby : Maybe Artie isn't paranoid enough.



At Olivia is sounded at the door

Olivia : I'll be there as soon as I can. Abby, see if you can expedite Monica's autopsy. I want proof it wasn't a suicide. Tell Harrison to take the partial license plate number and see where it goes. Pinning this murder on the N.S.A is how we corroborate Artie's story. I'm on my way. Tom. Hal.


In hunting, Fitz pulls.

Cyrus : Not bad, huh? Actually, fairly pathetic, Mr.President.

Man : You talk a good game, Fitzy, but you couldn't hit the side of a barn from the inside of a barn. Doesn't look like I'll be having duck for dinner. That's for sure.

Fitz : I swear.


Cyrus sees Tom makes him nods

Cyrus : Okay, let's get ourselves some coffee back at the lodge and give the President a little time on his own.

Fitz : Time on my own? What am I gonna do with that?

Cyrus : To commune with nature, sir. I know how you enjoy that.


Fitz looks at Tom and Hal. Tom nods

Fitz : Yeah, I'll see you guys in a bit. Where is she?

Fitz opened the car

Fitz : Get out of the car.

Olivia : No.

Fitz : Get out of the car.

Olivia : No, and I don't appreciate being summoned.

Fitz : Get out of the car.

Olivia : Why? So you can shoot me?

Fitz : Get of out of the damn car, Olivia!

He leaves and Olivia out of the car


House of David :

Alissa : Yeah, but Quinn's motive was clear as day.

David : Yeah, in the micro-sense, you're right. Wait. Don't you have to go to work?

Alissa : I called in sick again. Lucky for us, Jane's a hypochondriac and a bit of a racist, so when I say "cold," she hears "S A.R.S."

David : Ah. You can use that all winter. Anyway, that's why I focused so heavily on the voice mail. That was a mistake.

Alissa : Wait. The voice mail where Quinn viciously swore to gut him like a fish? How is that a mistake?

David : I'm saying, forget about all that evidence, step back, what's the one thing we know about Olivia Pope?

Alissa : Well, she's well-dressed, she's a workaholic…

David : Olivia Pope doesn't use her magic for evil, she uses it for good. Olivia Pope doesn't move heaven and earth and further corrupt the justice system unless she knows at the end of the day, she can put on the white hat and ride out of town.

Alissa : Yes, but all the evidence still points to Quinn Perkins.

David : We're not talking about evidence. We're just talking about motive.

Alissa : Well, she had that, too. She wanted revenge.

David : Maybe the motive is bigger than the revenge of a jilted lover. Maybe someone else wanted Quinn's boyfriend and six other Cytron employees dead?


In the hunt, Fitz puts shoes Olivia.

Olivia : Tom and hal could've told me where they were taking me. I could've dressed for it.

Fitz : Shut up.

Olivia : Where are we going?

Fitz : We are hunting.

Olivia : Do I get a gun?

Fitz : I'm not giving you a gun.

Olivia : That doesn't seem fair.

Fitz : Life isn't fair.

Olivia : What is your problem?

Fitz : What is my I don't have a problem.

Olivia : Then why are secret service agents physically removing me from my home at 5:00 in the morning?

Fitz : Because they do what I say.

Olivia : I don't do what you say.

Fitz : Why are you helping Artie Hornbacher?

Olivia : And I don't discuss my clients with you.

Fitz : You don't discuss anything with me anymore.

Olivia : Are you angry that I haven't been taking your phone calls or because I'm helping Artie Hornbacher?


Fitz : I an angry because you are committing treason. I am angry that you're behaving like a traitor to your country.

Olivia : To my country or to you?

Fitz : Oh, come on. This isn't personal.

Olivia : I'm standing in the middle of the forest in God knows where, so you can yell at me? That feels personal.

Fitz : I do not care how it feels. You're harboring a fugitive. It's criminal behavior.

Olivia : You and I both well know what Thorngate is, what Thorngate does, and who you are going to use it on.

Fitz : You have no idea what you're talking about.

Olivia : You're using it to spy on Americans.

Fitz : What we use it for is highly classified, and it involves anti terrorism.

Olivia : They know about the late-night phone calls. They know those calls came from the white house.


They stop.

Fitz : Where are you getting this? Your little whistle-blower Artie, the guy who stole Thorngate from the N.S.A ?

Olivia : I am pretty sure the supreme court would consider this administration spying on its citizens criminal behavior.

Fitz : I am protecting my country. You are dabbling in national security issues. You're upsetting the C.I.A and N.S.A, my guys at the state department, and you're using old boyfriends to dig up secrets on the intelligence committee.

Olivia : I am not …

Fitz : Senator Davis was your boyfriend from 2002 to 2006. You live together in Georgetown and then New York. You had an engagement ring. And you were seen with him yesterday, looking fairly cozy, from what I hear. You two screwing again? Is he everything you ever dreamed

Olivia: Stop walking. STOP walking !


He goes in to kiss her; they have a passionate moment.

Olivia: I am not yours! I don’t show up places because you want me. I am not yours! This is over !

She leaves.


In the hotel :

Noah : I can't say how long. Everybody's different.

Abby : It's just a toxicology report.It's just sending blood to a lab, right?

Noah : Monica Ocampo may no longer be with us, but she's still with us, still in my care. Monica's autopsy will take as long as Monica needs. I expect that's a courtesy you'll want for yourself someday, Red.


The safe house :

Artie : Monica was the only friend I had in that place, maybe the only friend I had in this city. They did this to her. I know they did.

Quinn : There was a black sedan on the scene. Someone was watching.

Artie : I told you. They'll do anything. I need to get out of here. Please! I'm begging you !

Olivia : Snap out of it, Artie! It's the N.S.A. operating with the full backing of the white house and justice department. They'll find you. The only way to stop them is to take this public.

Artie : The scary guy hasn't even de-encrypted the program yet !

Olivia : Let us worry about that. You worry about getting ready for prime time. Quinn, buy Artie a suit Slim fit, single-breasted, I want him to look polished, not one colander hat shy of a crazy person. Huck, can you do this?

Huck : How long?

Olivia : 24 hours ?

Huck : I think so. Maybe.



In Olivia Pope & Associates :

Kimberly : My producer Jack Lynn.

Olivia : Hi, Jack. Sorry. No recording devices.

Jack : We off the record here?

Olivia : For now. And I need you to agree on a 24-hour embargo on anything we discuss here today.

Kimberly : We don't even know.

Olivia : My client's life is at stake. If you can't agree to an embargo I like you, Kim. I came to you first, because I think you're the best, but you're not the only game in town.

Jack : Are we talking exclusive?

Olivia : Exclusive. We agreed on the embargo? The United States government is using an N.S.A program called Thorngate to spy on millions of American citizens in their homes, in their cars, and their offices.

Kimberly : How ?



The safe house :

Artie : Why do you have so many old watches?

Huck : Don't touch my stuff. Damn it.

Artie : What de-encryption program are you running?

Huck : I've created an accelerated G.P.U on linux breaking 28. 6 billion passwords per second.

Artie : With only three computers? We're never gonna get through the encryption in time.

Huck : I sent out a root kit virus to over 5,000 bot-net computers. The whole city is crunching numbers for me. Relax.

Artie : Relax? You don't finish, I'm dead. Do you know the kind of things they do to a man? I heard by the end that you're begging them to kill you.

Huck : Oh, is that so?


Somewhere :

Harrison : What's this?

Lady : What you asked for Every black Lincoln with the letters "R" and "B" on the plate. How about a "thank you"?

Harrison : Thank you.

Lady : How about a phone number?


The safe house :

Quinn : How did you come across the information that Thorngate was being used

Artie :  Is being used this very second.

Olivia : You just interrupted Kimberly. You never interrupt Kimberly.

Artie : Wait. This interview's with Kimberly Mitchell? The seething mouthpiece of the government's propaganda machine? Why not just turn me in?

Olivia : Artie, take a breath. Keep your head still. Maintain eye contact. Just answer what was asked of you. If you go off on a tangent, it'll look unreliable. Let's try again.

Quinn : How did you come across the information that Thorngate is being used on American citizens?



At the White House :

Fitz : This guy is set to reveal our most highly classified spyware on prime time? What happened to containing this thing?

Cyrus : Olivia's trying an end-around.

Corrine : Right out of the do-gooder playbook Grandstanding, "the public has a right to know" Kumbaya fest.



The safe house :

Artie : Think about it this way How much of your audience watches you at home with their cell phones or laptops on?

Quinn : I would imagine almost everyone.

Artie : Well, then everyone should be very concerned about this.

Olivia : He's ready.



At the White House :

Fitz : My legal options.

Lawyer : They run the gamut from gag orders to subpoenas to seizing everything to detaining and prosecuting in secrecy. Under various statutes under the espionage act, PATRIOT Act, national security act. Just depends on how aggressive you want to be.

Fitz : I want you to unleash a legal Tsunami. Don't just empty both barrels. We go nuclear on this.



In Olivia Pope & Associates/The safe house :

Olivia : You've got it?

Huck : Got it. Put up a beautiful struggle, but I cracked it.

Olivia : Good work, Huck. What's going on?


Lawyer : The network just got slapped with an injunction by the justice department.

Harrison : If we go forward with the broadcast, we could all get arrested for treason.



At the White House, Fitz eat alone. Mellie arrives.

Mellie : I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I was trying to write a thank- you note to queen Elizabeth. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to write a thank-you note to the queen? I felt like some yahoo from podunk. I was terrified of starting an international incident. God, I'm starving. This baby is eating all of my food. Is this the duck you shot? I hope Mickey got a good photo to show to the press corps. Mmm! Mmm! How was your day? Honey?

Fitz : Where's kip?

Mellie : What?

Fitz : Kip Provenza and Mary. The commerce secretary and his wife who won't shut up. I thought we were having them over for dinner in the residence tonight.

Mellie : Oh, I just thought …

Fitz : What?

Mellie : It'd be nice to have it be just the two of us for once since…

Fitz : Since what?

Mellie : Nothing.


House of David :

Alissa : I don't buy it.

David : Which part?

Alissa : The part where you think a jilted girlfriend would never go on a killing spree. 'Cause let me tell ya Bitches be crazy.

David : Look at what Cytron does. They have contracts with casinos, offshore betting sites…

Alissa : Two words fugue state.

David : Construction companies, probably mob-owned. These guys at Cytron swam with sketchy. I bet there's tons of people out there who wanted to hurt them.

Alissa : Fugue state.

David : This is bigger than Quinn Perkins. It's bigger than Olivia Pope. It's a cover-up, Alissa, and hard as it is to admit, we were wrong about almost everything.

Alissa : Okay. Fine. Maybe Quinn didn't murder those people, but she did do something, and without a doubt, somebody over at camp Pope and associates knows something.


In Olivia Pope & Associates :

Olivia : We argue this in court, we go up against the full legal might of the federal government. Armies of lawyers, bottomless resources. Meanwhile, we're all in jail and Artie God know where they'd rendition the poor guy. We fight this with the network, not in court. We stiffen their backbone, appeal to their patriotic duty. Freedom of the press, unconstitutional intrusion of the right to privacy.

Quinn : A man's cell phone is his castle.

Olivia : Meanwhile, we need those autopsy results, and that partial plate off the black sedan. Thorngate is real and a monstrosity. They don't muzzle us so easily.


At the White House :

Mellie : Tom. Hal. What happened to my husband?

Hal : Ma'am?

Mellie : Who did he talk to? What put Fitz in such a terrible mood? Because when he left me to go hunting, he was smiling, and when he came home, he wasn't.

Tom : I'm sure we don't know, ma'am.

Mellie : You can't say. I understand. So I am just going to say some things, and when I am correct, I'd like one of you to blink. That's all. Just flutter your eyelashes for a girl.

Tom : Ma'am.

Mellie : The President of France. East Sudan. Hollis Doyle. That guy on fox news. His mother. Cyrus? Olivia Pope.


Hal blinked and Mellie understand.

Mellie : Have a lovely day, gentlemen.


She leaves.

Hal : I didn't say a word.



In Olivia Pope & Associates :

Brad : No way in hell are we airing this interview. I'm against it, and to say that my friends here from the legal department are against it, well, that's just an exercise in understatement.

Olivia : The government will back off, Brad. I promise.

Brad : You promise? This isn't some two-seconds- of-nipple F.C.C. Fine we're risking. It's a federal injunction essentially handed down personally by the justice department, saying, « if you air this interview, you're guilty of treason. »

Olivia : And I'm saying call their bluff. Generate so much public outrage on Artie Hornbacher's behalf, that if the N.S.A so much as gives him a speeding ticket, they'll stage a coup.

Lady : Based on one man's word?

Olivia : No, based on this. Huck? Go ahead and bring up Thorngate.

Brad : Is this some kind of joke?

Olivia : That's your wife Julie, isn't it?

Brad : My home system is encrypted. This should not be possible.

Huck : You want audio?

Olivia : Please.

Julie : Anyway, you know how it is after a baby. You know, I try being all sexy, but I still don't feel like myself, and, well, he could try a little harder, too. Can't remember the last time he went to the gym.

Brad : Turn it off.

Olivia : There's also a link to all e-mail accounts associated with this address and access to each computer search history. Shall we take a look?

Brad : I said, turn it off.

Olivia : Huck.

It off

Man : Brad, I know this is compelling stuff, but we need…

Brad : Shut up. Do it.


The safe house :

Artie : I did okay, I guess, in life. Saw the Grand Canyon, had sex with a woman, I saw "The Empire Strikes Back" in the theater.

Huck : After the interview, you'll be a hero.

Artie : Not for long. I mean, I might be okay for a while, but this story will die down soon enough, and then I'll be looking over my shoulder for the rest of my life.

Huck : At least when you die, you'll have done something, something noble. More than most can say.

Artie : Noble hero, huh? Never thought about it that way.

The alarm is triggered

Artie : Oh.

Huck opens the window and the black car before.



In Olivia Pope & Associates :

Olivia : The network's in. Artie's sitting down with Mitchell tonight. She's willing to come to us, so coordinate with their production team. We want to keep it small and safe. Two camera ops at most, one sound guy. Abby, what?

Abby : Coroner finally got to the autopsy report on Monica Ocampo. It wasn't sleeping pills that killed her.

Olivia : What was it?

Abby : She OD'd on 1,600 units of injectable Insulin.

Olivia : Harrison, where are we with the plate match?

Harrison : Quinn and I have cross-referenced the entire D.M.V.list.

Quinn : The car doesn't track back to anyone at the N.S.A

Harrison : Or government for that matter, but get this It's registered to a fake address under the name of "Will B Watching.

Abby : Will B.Watching?  Is that some kind of joke?


Olivia : Huck, where's Artie?

Huck : He's in the bathroom again.

Olivia : Break down the door.

Huck : What?

Olivia : Break down the door! Come on. Come on. Come on.

Abby : He's also lactose intolerant, allergic to grass, honey, strawberries, peanuts, is a type 1 diabetic Believes that vaccines are demonic.


We see Artie kill Monica and put it on her bed.

Olivia : Come on.


While Huck takes fire, Artie replaces the USB.

Olivia : Come on.

Quinn : There was a black sedan on the scene. Someone was watching.

Artie : I need to get out of here.

Huck has managed to open the door but there is nobody there. Artie gets into the black car.

Artie : Got it. Let's go.


Olivia and Huck understand he's gone.

Harrison : How did this happen?

Quinn : He must've known. He must've done his homework on us.

Abby : Come on! You know how this happened. Artie couldn't decrypt Thorngate himself, so he found the one person who could. Then he killed poor Monica, made it look like he was being followed, all so that we'd help him buy time and get what he needed. But as for why this happened? You'd have to ask Olivia that, and that would be a waste of time because she's off her game. Her gut is broken, and we have no idea what she's thinking. What's going on with her?

Harrison : It was a mistake, and the first one I've seen her make since I got here, so give her a break.

Abby : Second.

Harrison : What?

Abby : Second mistake she's made.

Harrison : Bad cop.

Huck : I tried everywhere. I called everyone. I hacked into the face recognition software used by capitol police. I checked every traffic camera in the Tri-state area. All dead ends.

Olivia : This isn't on you, Huck. This is on me. This is my mistake. I made the wrong call.

Harrison : Incoming!

Corrine : Where is he?

Olivia : Who?

Corrine : Don't get cute. You're in enough trouble. Harboring a fugitive, obstructing justice, theft of classified intelligence.

Olivia : I'm so confused. What are we talking about?

Corrine : The tv interview was canceled, which means you lost him, which means, assuming that Artie Hornbacher got his hands on Thorngate, our greatest weapon in the war on terror is out to the highest bidder as we speak.

Olivia : That's your problem.

Corrine : Excuse me?

Olivia : Artie Hornbacher played us. For two days, he wagged our dog. I'm not proud of that. But he played you for 16 years. Who knows what other secrets he stole along the way, right out from under your nose. What a great story The kind of story that leads to congressional hearings and mass firings and books and movies. Juicy stuff.

Corrine : What do you want?

Olivia : Then we call it even.

Corrine : I'll give you till noon tomorrow. If I don't hear from you, I'll be detaining your entire team for questioning, indefinitely.



At the White House :

Cyrus : I want senator Davis off the intel committee. Sir ?

Fitz : I want him off.

Cyrus : Many a man has been undone by jealousy.

Fitz : How did you know she wasn't taking my calls?

Cyrus : What?

Fitz : Earlier you said Liv wasn't taking my calls. How did you know? Well, at least we know Thorngate really works.

Cyrus : Just keeping America safe from the terrorists, sir.

Fitz : Liv's not a terrorist.

Cyrus : I wasn't talking about her. She's not ticking. You are. I will have senator Davis removed from the intel committee.


He leaves and Mellie between.

Fitz: You want something?

Mellie: I need to make some plans

Fitz: What?

Mellie: For my future, after your first term is done because you’re never going to make it to a second term because clearly you’re a once around the ballroom kind of President.

Fitz: Mellie, I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Mellie: Olivia Pope. I’m talking about Olivia Pope. You took her hunting? Really, honey? She could be facing federal prison but you needed to spend a few minutes with your girlfriend. That’s…it’s sweet, if it didn’t mean the end of your political career because you won’t make it to a second term. I will make sure of it — because I need to make some plansfor my political future, and I do have a bright, bright political future. The sweet lawyer who gave up her career for her husband, suffered a miscarriage, then had a late in life baby while First Lady…that’s gold. That’s a future president. That’s a hell of a second act, and America loves a second act.

Fitz: Mellie.

Mellie: Get over her.

Fitz: Mellie !

Mellie: GET OVER HER! You see her again, I’ll blow you away. And I’m an excellent shot, remember.

Somewhere :

Huck : Hello, Artie. Nice watch.

Artie : Oh. Hey. Yeah, I just I just borrowed it. You got back in, cracked Thorngate a second time. No small feat.

Huck : I didn't need Thorngate to find you. The watch is old, and it has radium in it, which is bad for you and very easy to track. I warned you not to touch my stuff, didn't I, Artie?

Artie : We can split the money. All right? You'd never have to work again.

Huck : Oh, I like my work.


Huck shoots him.

Artie : Oh ! Oh. Ohh.

Huck : Tranquilizer should wear off in a few minutes. We'll talk more then.


In a bar :

Harrison : Where's Huck ?

Abby : I don't know, but we should be buying him a drink. He saved our asses.

Quinn : Gotta admit, Artie was good. Every little detail was played to perfection The neuroses, the paranoia, even the allergies. The man had hives on his neck. I saw them. He was a lying mastermind.

Abby : Takes one to know one, Lindsay.

Quinn : Screw you.

Abby : Excuse me?

Quinn : Oh, you didn't hear me? Go screw yourself. And when you're done with that, you can go straight to hell and screw yourself there, 'cause I don't want to hear it anymore. I'm not a murderer and I'm not a liar, and I'm not going anywhere. So the sooner you get over it, the better. And I go by one name now, and it's not Lindsay !


She leaves

Harrison (laughing, mocking ) : I'm Quinn, bitch.


He leaves too.

David : Buy me a drink ?

Abby : That's your line? "Buy me a drink" ?

David : I'm unemployed. One charity drink. You can write it off. I'm a good cause. Hey. Uh, a Manhattan, please.


In Olivia Pope & Associates :

Announcer in television : And lastly, President grant took some time out from his busy schedule to hunt duck on the eastern shore. The white house chef prepared some of the spoils and served them up with a port demi-glace, roasted turnips, and sauteed Greens.

Edison : Was it you who taught him to hunt? Didn't mean to sneak up on you.

Olivia : What are you doing here?

Edison : You didn't hear? I'm a client now.

Olivia : And how's that?

Edison : Because the President of the United States had me kicked off the senate intelligence committee and is having my behavior "looked into" by the ethics committee. And to my thinking, it's because I was reckless enough to talk to you. So now I'm your client. Pro bono. Unless you have a conflict of interest. You're not still tied to the white house, are you?

Olivia : No. No ties.


In parking :

Olivia : Hey

Huck : No more walking alone to your car.

Olivia: Huck you didn't...

Huck: I didn't hurt him. Much. Anyway, they have him now.

Olivia: Huck if I opened a door that you can't close.

Huck: Doors are closed. I'm okay. I am. You don't worry about me. I'm handling it.

Olivia: Thank you.

Huck: No, thank you.

Olivia : Want a ride?

Huck : Sure.

They get in the car.


During this time David and Abby end up of making love.

Kikavu ?

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