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HOWARD :You have no idea what’s coming for you.

(épisode 1)

DUMONT : Easy, Cheesy. Genius can't be rushed.

(épisode 1)

SCOTTIE :You should know...I have anger issues. My therapist says it's because I have no coping mechanism.

(épisode 1)

TOM : Are you sure about this?
LIZ : It's only an hour flight. You'll be back in time for dinner. What could possibly go wrong?

(épisode 1)

TOM : You expect me to listen to another word you say, you tell me who you are right now.
HOWARD : I'm your father.

(épisode 1)


HOWARD : It is imperative to the mission that Scottie not know you’re her son.

(épisode 1)


HOWARD : They can’t see you under the trees!

(épisode 1)


SOLOMON : Slightly scarred, but just as beautiful.

(épisode 1)


SCOTTIE : ...brilliant, playful, charming, a terrible flirt.That beautiful, beautiful mind… such a waste.

(épisode 1)


SCOTTIE : Welcome to the family.

(épisode 1)


SOLOMON : And to be honest I shot up his wedding and tried to abduct his woman.
TOM : Is this you helping?
SOLOMON : The point is, he couldn’t kill somebody if he tried. So, you got nothing to worry about.

(épisode 1)

SCOTTIE : Kevin's not my child, but if I leave him there he'll die. Diplomacy won't save him. he'll be executed and we won't know until it's over.

(épisode 2)

SCOTTIE : We are the very definition of too big to fail.

(épisode 2)

NEZ : What do you think?
SOLOMON : I think we should've been chiropractors or proctologists. Pretty much anything else. Can't defend this position. Let's go.

(épisode 2)

SCOTTIE : This isn't about Russia attacking us. It's about Russia using their agents to make us think we've attacked ourselves.
(épisode 3)
SOLOMON : Let's get talking. Or let's get surgical.

(épisode 3)

HOWARD : That's why she kept me medicated. To keep me from seeing the truth.

(épisode 3)

TOM : You think Scottie knows more than she's saying?
DUMONT : Every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

(épisode 3)

LOCKER ROOM GUY : Hey! Hey! Men only!
SCOTTIE : I'll let you know if I see any.
(épisode 3)
SOLOMON : So you downed a plane? Edgy.

(épisode 3)

SCOTTIE : Howard's gone and I'm in charge of the company he built. So, whether I like it or not, I have to stand out. Stand out. And I can't do that without therapy, anti-depressants and people like you who Howard confided in.

(épisode 3)


MS GRUSHENKA : You will be given a new identity. Study it. Become it. It is you. Do not break character for anything or anyone.

(épisode 3)


NEZ : After you’ve been a soldier Uh, well, no. After you’ve seen what people do in war, they’ll offer you every drug there is except the one you need to make it go away. So you try all the others just in case.
TOM :  How’d you get sober?
NEZ : Howard. This place.  He gave me a job. He helped me clean up. He gave me a shot at something I never tried before. Hope.

(épisode 3)

TOM : So in addition to your charming personality, you're also an enemy combatant.
SOLOMON : Whoa. Wrong place, wrong time.
TOM : Whatever you got to tell yourself.

(épisode 4)

NEZ : For what it's worth, we're the good guys.Wish I had time to explain

(épisode 4)

SOLOMON : Whatever Tom Keen is up to, he doesn't want anyone to know.

(épisode 4)

TOM : Don't fire if you don't have to, and if you do, don't miss.

(épisode 4)


HOWARD : She’ll trust you, she’ll tell you. And when she does, we’re going to blow the lid off whatever she’s hiding.

(épisode 4)


SOLOMON : What? You call the police 'cause you saw a black man in your apartment?
TOM : Hey. Whoa. That is not accurate.
SOLOMON : Go ahead lock me up right here, right now. What's the maximum sentence for fixing a racist man's sink?

(épisode 4)

TOM: So in addition to your charming personality, you're also an enemy combatant.
SOLOMON : Whoa. Wrong place, wrong time.
TOM : Whatever you got to tell yourself.

(épisode 4)


SOLOMON : I’ve seen your artwork, you ain’t got no black artists!

What is Tupac’s middle name?

(épisode 4)

TOM : I misjudged you. Someone told me you weren't to be trusted.
(épisode 5)
TOM : You really can't die, can you?
(épisode 5)
SOLOMON : I was 13 and Will Banks was the first man I ever killed.
(épisode 5)
PLANE CAPTAIN : What happened?
TOM : Help me land this thing and I'll tell you all about it.
(épisode 5)
SOLOMON : You. Me. The great wall between us.
(épisode 5)

TOM : She’s eleven months. She’s everything. I miss her.

(épisode 5)
TOM : I swear, man, sometimes...
SOLOMON : ...you just want to put me in your crosshairs and pull the trigger? I hear you my brother. The feeling's mutual.
(épisode 6)
SCOTTIE : There's something about him that reminds me of you. Maybe it's just the familiar scent of deception.
(épisode 6)
SCOTTIE : You are the best. Who else could trick me into hiring my own personal Judas?
(épisode 6)
SOLOMON : Is there something you want to share with the class?
TOM : I'm good.
(épisode 6)
HOWARD : You need to keep your strength up. You burn a lot of calories being a lying bitch.
(épisode 6)
SOLOMON : Mazel tov, Carlos. You married up.
(épisode 6)
SOLOMON : I'm beginning to feel ignored.
(épisode 6)

SCOTTIE : Dumont, I need you to do something for me.
DUMONT : Yes I’ll go out with you. I’m allergic to shellfish, pick me up at 8:30.

(épisode 6)

HOWARD : He is our boy

(épisode 6)

HOWARD : You and I can go on hating each other and lying to each other and hurting each other after. But right now, at this moment, dear God let us get past our problems and save the only decent person in our family.

(épisode 6)
SCOTTIE : Don't mistake my forgiveness for weakness.
(épisode 7)
HOWARD : You have to be vigilant if you don't want to lose the things you hold most dear.
(épisode 7)
HOWARD : Thank you.
LIZ : For what?
HOWARD : You make my son very happy.
(épisode 7)
HOWARD : We need to find Tom.
COOPER : From my experience, Tom Keen can take care of himself.
(épisode 7)
TOM : What are you going to do? Huh? Shoot your own son?
(épisode 7)
TOM: I thought we just started to be friends.
(épisode 7)

HOWARD : I know you’re watching, honey. And I’m coming for you.

(épisode 7)

SOLOMON : Look on the bright side: When I’m done with you, no one will ever say, ‘You know he’s more than just a pretty face.'

(épisode 7)
TOM : Why can’t we just be friends?
SOLOMON : You’re my best friend!
(épisode 7)

SOLOMON : Oh, Scottie, Scottie, Scottie. I’m the youngest of nine. My oldest brother he was a thief and worse. And one night, my father, he decides to confront him. They get into a fight, pushes Dad, he falls backward, hits his head on the kitchen counter, bleeds out on the floor. When the cops came, Mom lied about what happened. Her husband had been killed, but she never gave up her boy. She cast him out, never talked to him again, but she never gave him up.

(épisode 7)

TOM : You know why I came here? I came here to find out who my mother really is. And I wished to God I hadn’t, ‘cause you know what I found out? I found out that you’re nothing but a criminal.  …You’re a cold, heartless killer who’d murder her own son if it got her what she needed! … Is it worth it, killing me? Is it worth Whitehall? Then do it. Huh? Do it! Shoot me. Do it!

(épisode 7)
SCOTTIE : Someone has to live in the shadows so others can live in the light.
(épisode 8)
KAT : When you find her, what's going to happen to her?
HOWARD : Justice.
(épisode 8)
HOWARD : High risk. Low probability of success. Any takers?
(épisode 8)

TOM : Nez is like a daughter to Howard, which means she is like a sister to me .

(épisode 8)


HOWARD : I say brains before beauty so Scottie you’re up.

( épisode 8)


SCOTTIE : I never stopped loving you.

(épisode 8)



Ecrit par mnoandco 
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